Michael Brecker: 1949-2007
Alice Coltrane: 1937-2007
Theme - Oscar Pettiford 'Bohemia After Dark' from "Another One" (Bethlehem/Avenue Jazz)
Don Grolnick: 'Regrets' from "Hearts and Numbers" (Hip Pocket/Windham Hill)
Alice Coltrane: 'Crescent' from "Translinear Light" (Verve)
Michael Brecker: 'Original Rays' from "Michael Brecker" (Impulse)
Alice Coltrane featuring Pharoah Sanders: 'Journey in Satchidananda' from "Journey in Satchidananda" (Impulse)
Claus Ogerman featuring Michael Brecker: 'Habanera' from "Cityscape" (Warner Bros)
Duncan Sheik/Stephen Sater: 'Mama Who Bore Me,' 'The Bitch of Living,' Don't Do Sadness/Blue Wind,' 'I Believe' from "Spring Awakening: Original Cast Recording" (Decca)
Phil Roy: 'Busy Thinkin' Bout Today' from "The Great Longing" (www.philroy.com)
Michael Hedges: 'Sofa No. 2' from "Oracle" (Windham Hill)

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