Theme - Oscar Pettiford: 'Bohemia After Dark' from "Another One"
(Bethlehem/Avenue Jazz)
Jonathan Coulton: 'Shop Vac' from "Thing a Week One"
Ryan Adams and the Cardinals: 'Cobwebs (LIVE in Boston 9/7/08)'
song available on "Cardinology" (Lost Highway)
The Great Luke Ski: 'My Favorite Part' (www.thefump.com)
Ingrid Michaelson: 'Be OK' from "Be OK" (Cabin 24)
Bear McCreary: 'Mark Mothersbaugh/John Enroth - Eureka on My Mind; 'Sheriff Carter Theme'; 'Little Big Bang'; 'Brendan McCreary - Lets Get Hitched' from "EUReKA Soundtrack" (LaLa Land)
Rachel Portman: 'The Duchess'; 'Mistake Of Your Life'; 'Awakening' from "The Duchess" (Lakeshore)
Isobel Grifiths Quartet: 'Joseph Hayden - Adagio from String Quartet Opus 1 No. 3 in D Major'
from "The Duchess" (Lakeshore)
David Byrne/Brian Eno: 'Strange Overtones'from "Everything That Happens
Will Happen Today" (Todo Mundo; www.everythingthathappens.com)
Theresa Andersson: 'Bird Fly Away' from "Hummingbird, Go!" (Basin Street)
Harry Shearer: 'Smooth Moves' from "Songs of the Bushmen" (Courgette)
Michael Hedges: 'Sofa No. 1' from "Oracle" (Windham Hill)