Theme - Oscar Pettiford: 'Bohemia After Dark' from "Another One" (Bethlehem/Avenue Jazz)
Gil Goldstein: 'Loro' from "City of Dreams" (Blue Note)
Jack Penate: 'Tonight's Today' from "Everything is New"(XL)
Nana Vasconcelos: 'Eh! Bahia' from "Rain Dance" (Antilles)
Bear McCreary: 'Storming New Caprica' from "Battlestar Galactica: Season Three OST" (LA LA Land)
Bear McCreary: 'The Graystone Family' from "Caprica OST" (LA LA Land)
Lisa Coleman & Wendy Melvoin: 'Heroes Title'; 'Hiro'; 'Kirby Plaza' from "Heroes - Original Score Soundtrack" (LA LA Land)
Mike Patton: 'Kickin'; 'Organ Donor'; 'The Hammer Drops' from "Crank: High Voltage" (Lakeshore)
TOJ: 'Rock 'n' Roll from "People Like Us" (5000 Records)
Tosca: 'Springer' from "No Hassle" (!K7)
Worth the wait? Let me know. bohemiaafterdark@gmail.com