Theme - Oscar Pettiford: 'Bohemia After Dark' from "Another One"
Imogen Heap: 'Propeller Seeds' (imogenheap.com)
Alexandre Desplat: 'Circles' from "The Tree of Life OST"
Fink: 'Warm Shadow' from "Perfect Darkness"
Merz: 'Toy' from "No Compass Will Find Home"
Chick Corea: 'Windows' from "Now He Sings, Now He Sobs"
Yellowjackets: 'Timeline' from "Timeline"
Sachal Vasandani: 'Summer No School' from "Hi-Fly"
Lemon Demon: Goosebumps (theFUMP.com)
Phil Harris: 'The Thing' from "Dementia 2000!: Dr. Demento's 30th Anniversary Collection"
They Might Be Giants 'Hopeless Bleak Despair' from "Mink Car"
Murray Gold" 'Happily Ever Before; Red; Operation Free The Children' from "Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil OST"
Michael Hedges: 'Sofa No.1' from "Oracle"
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