Theme - Oscar Pettiford: 'Bohemia After Dark' from "Another One" (Bethlehem/Avenue Jazz)
King Creosote: 'No Way She Exists' from "Thrawn" (Domino)
Paul Hepker/Mark Kilian: 'Mine' from "The Bird Can't Fly OST" (Lakeshore)
Yellowjackets: 'A Single Step' from "Timeline'" (Mack Avenue)
Sachal Vasandani: 'We Move' from "We Move" (Mack Avenue)
Interstitial - Herbie Hancock: 'Bring Down the Birds' from "Blow-Up OST" (Blue Note)
Cliff Martinez: 'How’s It Hangin’ Counselor?; Whose Side Are You On?; We Did A Couple Things Right' from "The Lincoln Lawyer" (Lakeshore)
Elbow: 'The Night Will Always Win' from "Build A Rocket Boys!" (Fiction/Polydor)
Jonathan Coulton: 'Always the Moon' (jonathancoulton.com)
k.d. lang: 'Sing it Loud' from "Sing it Loud" (Nonesuch)
Murray Gold: 'Doctor Who XI [Ron Grainer, composer]; Fish Custard; Amy's Theme; I Am the Doctor' from "Doctor Who - Series 5 OST (Silva Screen)
Pat Metheny: 'Expansion' from "Orchestrion" (Nonesuch)
Thanks, as always for your patience, and for listening.
BAD 59
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