
Thursday, January 09, 2014

Bohemia After Dark on RHR #73

...and we're back.

Theme - Oscar Pettiford: ‘Bohemia After Dark’
Anna von Hausswolff: ‘Epitaph of Theodor’ from “Ceremony”
Elements of Life: ‘Draggin’ My Heels’ from “Eclipse”
Mayer Hawthorne: ‘Her Favorite Song’ from “Where Does This Door Go”
Geoffrey Keezer: ‘Come Talk to Me’ from “Heart of the Piano”
Hidden Orchestra: ‘Overture’ from “Archipelago”
Whitney Avalon & Jonathan Hurley: ‘Going Down the Rabbit Hole’
Shambles Miller: ‘Deadpool’
Laura Rossi: ‘Arthur’; The OAP’z: ‘Ain’t Nobody’ from “Unfinished Song” Soundtrack
Billy Childs: ‘Backwards Bop’ from “Take For Example This…”
James Williams: ‘The Night We Called It A Day’ from “Magical Trio 1”
Michael Hedges: ‘Sofa No.1’ from “Oracle”

Thanks for your patience. And for listening.

BAD 73  (player)